Get started with your business idea!

Business plans banks love
Get your professional business plan now.

Does the following describe your situation?

  • I want to start or grow my own company.
  • For this I need capital from a bank or from investors.
  • Bankers and Investors require a highly professional business plan.
  • Therefore, I need a bankable business plan.
  • So I would like to discuss this with a business plan expert.
(+49) 441 180 2509Get in touch
Roland Giebitz, Ihr Businessplan Experte

My name is Roland Giebitz, your business plan expert.
As a former private equity exec and management consultant at McKinsey, I know the requirements for your business plan to be accepted by the bank.

What my customers are saying:

Show all customer testimonials

Achievements for my customers

  • Capital raised in the double-digit millions (EUR)

  • Developed many business plans in a wide range of industries

  • Positive feedback from banks

  • Positive feedback from clients

Many companies of all sizes and industries
have received capital due to my business plans.

Financing for start-ups

  • Physiotherapist sets up a practice: €75 k
  • Self-employed lady trains assistance dogs: €100 k
  • Craftsman founds solar technology company: €250 k
  • Hotelier buys and renovates hotel: €900 k
  • Music producer founds music label: € 1.5 m
  • Chemists start production of glycerol: € 7.2 m

More success stories

Growth capital for companies

  • Amazon Seller expands product range: €100 k
  • Software company receives growth capital: €300 k
  • Cosmetics wholesaler expands product range: €350 k
  • Tax consultant buys second tax consultancy: €500 k
  • E-car supplier invests in specialization: €1.1 m
  • Venture capital fund wins investors: €8 m

More success stories

100% success rate

Since 2010, not a single financing or grant has been rejected due to my business plan. On the contrary, the quality is regularly highly praised.

All-in-One Package

From refining the business model and modeling the financial figures to the pitch to the bank - I am there for you with full commitment.

High government subsidies

In Germany, up to 80% of the consultancy costs can be subsidized by the German Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA).

Money-back guarantee

The plan is being optimised in several correction runs. If there are still any defects, you will get your money back.

What services will you get?

Developing a business plan that can be successfully defended in front of critical bankers and investors includes these components:
Bankgespräche vorbereiten - und so die Finanzierung bekommen

Elaborating the business model

The business model answers questions such as: Which products and services are sold? To which target groups? What are the USPs, opportunities and risks? How will marketing and sales be set up? What could go wrong and how would you counteract it?
Datenanalyse bei der Erstellung des Businessplans

Modeling the financial plan

We model cash flows from sales, costs, investments and financing. You get a cash flow plan that shows how much money you really need, and when, and how much your company will earn later. You can answer your bank how quickly you will pay back the loan.
Lassen Sie Ihren Businessplan professionell überprüfen, bevor Sie ihn einreichen!

Bankable business plan

You will receive your business plan with a description of the business model, products, market, target groups, marketing and sales, opportunities and risks, financial figures and capital requirements. It is delivered as a PDF.

More about Services

What you will also get:

After finishing the business plan, I will support you, if desired, in the search for financiers and in the interviews.
Investoren finden und Finanzierung bekommen

Approaching investors

After finishing the business plan, I will assist you, if desired, in the search for financiers. You will receive support in selecting and approaching suitable banks and investors.

Determining company value

What is the value of your company? Or of a target? You will receive support in determining the value of the company and in negotiating the possible purchase price of an investment.
Die Vorbereitung der Bankgespräche ist eine Kernleistung von Roland Giebitz

Negotiation support

Intensive 1 to 1 coaching prepares you for upcoming meetings with bankers or investors and provides you with an optimal foundation for your pitch. Your competent demeanor will create trust in you as an entrepreneur and your undertaking.

Customized pricing for maximum success of your business plan.

Different business models have very different requirements. Some are easy to describe and model, others require significantly more effort.
Expect your customized business plan to cost between EUR 2000 and EUR 5000, depending on the amount of time-consuming work required.
Tell me more about your business in our free initial consultation and I will provide you with an individual offer.
Customized business plan
Price upon request 119
Business model description
Market analyses
Sales measures
Financial modelling
Cash flow forecast
Sensitivity analyses
Professional design
Inquire now
Your advantagesof working with me

Why should an expert prepare your business plan?

At the bank, you only have one shot. With a professional business plan and a convincing appearance, you will most likely receive your financing and can take off with your project!

That’s why you should put your business plan in professional hands:

I know the requirements of bankers and investors

As a former private equity exec and management consultant at McKinsey, I know the other side of the table. I know exactly what is important for banks and investors to accept your business plan.

Analyzed and wrote many business plans

As a private equity manager for many years, I have analyzed more than 200 business plans and evaluated and improved the business models. And as the author of ca. 100 business plans, I have gained even more invaluable experience.

Served as a juror in business plan competitions

I was a juror for business plan competitions for a long time and can very well assess the low chances of success of home-grown business plans.

Gained substantial management experience

My management experience includes positions as Managing Director at Sartorius Separation Engineering, Sales Director at Sartorius Asia and Chief Financial Officer at SuSE Linux AG (CFO and COO). I hold an MBA from London Business School and a degree in business administration from Goethe University Frankfurt.

My business expertise covers both sales and marketing as well as finance and controlling.

Have your business plan created now!
Foto des Bankers Rene Bungenberg (Deutsche Bank)
René Bungenberg

Deutsche Bank Rheine

We at Deutsche Bank would like to receive business plans of this high quality more often. I can only recommend to every start-up to get professional support. Of course, it costs something, but it's definitely worth it.
Foto des Businessplan-Kunden Stefan Sinnegger
Stefan Sinnegger

PowUnity GmbH

My firm sells GPS devices and apps for e-bikes. Our banker had very high praise for the business plan. Of the business plans he has seen in 20 years, Mr. Giebitz's was one of the best.
Self-made business plan

Success rate of ordinary business plans created with templates from the internet or self-assembled structures.

Business plan prepared by an expert

Success rate when I create your business plan. I know the bank requirements and the details that will make your project shine.

If you want capital from investors, you must fulfil their expectations.

The video explains what you need to do right as founder or entrepreneur.

Get in touch

The 5 most important questions from bankers

Is the entrepreneur making a good impression?

Can I, as a banker, recommend my superiors to entrust him/her with money?
Are the documents and his/her appearance professional, well-structured, goal-oriented, clear and concise?
Does he/she know his/her stuff and is he/she persuasive? Is he/she capable of giving good answers to critical questions?

Prepare for bank meetings

How much capital is required?

Capital requirement does not only mean investments, but also the capital needed for inventories, receivables, advertising costs, start-up losses, contingencies etc.

Will cash flow be sufficient to service our loans?

Will the company have enough cash flow to pay interest and repay the loan?
Because profit is one thing, liquidity is quite another.

Will earnings be sufficiently high?

Will this new company make a profit? Will profits be high enough? And does the business model have the potential to last? Or even grow?

What could go wrong?

Has the entrepreneur adequately presented imponderables in the business plan for the bank? And did he develop plausible countermeasures?

Get an overview of my previous projects

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Logo von Ideacamp

Partner in Germany


Idea Camp is a German academy for part-time founders that accompanies them as they start their own business.

Logo von Adan Corporate

International Partners


ADAN Corporate is a global network of financial professionals specialising in financing of internationally expanding companies.

3 steps to your bankable business plan

  • 1
    Kick-Off Meeting

    We talk on the phone and you tell me about your project. You'll receive valuable tips right away. Simply dial +49 441 180 250 9.

  • 2

    We create a bankable business plan by working out the business model and developing a cash flow plan. From this, we determine your true capital requirements.

  • 3
    Bank and investor talks

    We use this knowledge to prepare the arguments for your bank interview and develop your pitch. I am also happy to coach you before your presentation.

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    You can reach me directly at
    (+49) 441 180 250 9
    Roland Giebitz, Ihr Businessplan Experte

    Let's have a Zoom call

    This will have the greatest benefit for you