Having your business plan reviewed

Before submitting your documents to the bank:
Be sure to have the business plan reviewed!

You will receive a professional review of your business plan draft. This will tell you where your draft still has weaknesses. And which chapters you should supplement or revise again before you submit your business plan to the banks. This is important, because otherwise you risk being rejected. And there is rarely a second chance.

You only have one chance to make a good impression with the decision makers. So prepare well. Present nothing but a bankable business plan. I will help you with this.

Lassen Sie Ihren Businessplan professionell überprüfen, bevor Sie ihn einreichen!

4 benefits of why you should have your business plan reviewed:

1. Do you meet all requirements?

Through the business plan checkup, you will find out in good time whether your business plan meets the high requirements of bankers and investors.
Because if certain criteria are not met, you will not get financed. Mediocre business plans raise doubts about the professionalism and competence of the entrepreneur – and are politely rejected.

Then it will be no longer possible to improve the plan. Rejected remains rejected.

2. Objective feedback

You will get objective feedback on what you need to improve. When you have your business plan reviewed, you can expect concrete advice on improving these topics:

  • Financial planning and cash flow forecast
  • Capital requirements
  • Sales and marketing measures
  • Market analysis and competition
  • Business model
  • Written presentation of your project
  • and much more.

3. Do you address all relevant issues?

You will learn which critical questions bankers and investors will ask about your business model, and whether you have already answered them completely and satisfactorily in your draft business plan.

If not, you will then know exactly what you still need to work on.

4. Increasing the chances of success

You will make a good impression thanks to the then bankable business plan, which will significantly increase your chances of getting financed.

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Be sure to have your business plan checked.

To make a good impression on your financiers, you only have one shot. Only with a professional business plan that is complete, well-researched, coherent, realistic and meaningful will you meet the requirements of banks and investors for financing. Unfortunately, fatal mistakes are often made here that can block your doors with the most important banks and investors. You can avoid this very easily: by requesting the business plan check-up now.
Let's talk!(+49) 441 180 2600